WOTLK Classic has lots of Cool looking New Beasts some found in the New Content: Northrend.
Introducing Exotic Families!

Exotic families were introduced for the first time in Wrath and are only available to Beast Masters. The Pets that are exotic on this site are labeled to yellow.
New Families
These Chimeras were in Vanilla and TBC but finally tamable in WOTLK Classic!
Upcoming Looks
Unused Looks
Plated Chimeras
Upcoming Looks
Unused Looks
Core Hound
These Core Hounds were in Vanilla but finally tamable in WOTLK Classic!
Core Hounds
Upcoming Looks
Unused Looks
Other Core Hounds
Upcoming Looks
These Devilsaurs were in Vanilla but finally tamable in WOTLK Classic!
Upcoming Looks
These Moths were in TBC but finally tamable in WOTLK Classic!
Upcoming Looks
Unused Looks
A New Family based off of the Wooly Rhino Species.
Upcoming Looks
These Silithids were in Vanilla but finally tamable in WOTLK Classic!
Soldier Silithids
Upcoming Looks
Other Silithids
Spirit Beast
Gorgeous looking ghost-like beasts that are the Rarest Family of them all!
Spirit Beasts
Upcoming Looks
Spectral Saber Tigers
Upcoming Looks
Unused Looks
Lightning Saber Worgs
Upcoming Looks
Unused Looks
These Wasps were in Vanilla and TBC but finally tamable in WOTLK Classic!
Upcoming Looks
Upcoming Looks
Unused Looks
Boss Wasps
Upcoming Looks
Untameble Looks
Unused Looks
The Worms were in Vanilla but finally tamable in WOTLK Classic!
Upcoming Looks
Unused Looks
A New Worm Variant found all over in Northrend.
Upcoming Looks
Untameble Looks
Unused Looks
New Looks
Upcoming Looks
A skin that previously wasn't used in Vanilla but Finally Tamable in WOTLK Classic in the form of Rabid Grizzly in Dragonblight!
Untameble Looks
Unused Looks
Other Bears
Untameble Looks
Bird of Prey
The "Owl" Family is now being referred as "Bird of Prey".
Upcoming Looks
A skin that previously wasn't used in TBC but Finally Tamable in WOTLK Classic in the form of Emerald Skytalon in Dragonblight!
Unused Looks
Upcoming Looks
3 sets of Eagles in the Northrend Continent.
Unused Looks
Upcoming Looks
Our First Parrot known as Aotona found in Sholazar Basin!
Untameble Looks
Unused Looks
Other Birds of Prey
Upcoming Looks
Carrion Bird
Unused Looks
Upcoming Looks
Two sets of Condors in the Northrend Continent.
Unused Looks
Other Carrion Birds
Upcoming Looks
Saber Cats
Upcoming Looks
A skin that previously wasn't used in Vanilla but Finally Tamable in WOTLK Classic in the form of Dreadsaber and Shango in Sholazar Basin!
Unused Looks
Hunched Cats
A New Cat Variant that is the same as the Normal Ones. But hunched with glowing eyes.
Upcoming Looks
Untameble Looks
Unused Looks
Unused Looks
Spiked Raptors
Upcoming Looks
A skin that previously wasn't used in TBC but Finally Tamable in WOTLK Classic in the form of Drakuru Raptor in Zul'Drak!
Riding Raptors
Untameble Looks
Armored Raptors
Untameble Looks
Unused Looks
Untameble Looks
Upcoming Looks
The Purple Spider is now available by doing a Skill Tame: You must go through the Spider Quarter by being levels 60 or 70 in Naxxramas to tame this beast!
Bone Spiders
A new Skeleton-Like Spider Model.
Upcoming Looks
Untameble Looks
Unused Looks
Wind Serpent
Spiked Wind Serpents
Upcoming Looks
A skin that previously wasn't used in TBC but Finally Tamable in WOTLK Classic in the form of Scion of Quetz'lun in Zul'Drak!
Untameble Looks
Untameble Looks
Saddled Worgs
Upcoming Looks
Our First Armored Worg from TBC finally tameble in WOTLK!
Untameble Looks
Unused Looks
Saber Worgs
A Lovely looking new Worg!
Upcoming Looks
A new fiery-lookin hound rather than being a wolf.
Upcoming Looks
Untameble Looks
Unused Looks
Other Wolves
Untameble Looks
New Abilities
Pet Abilities have gotten a massive overhaul. Check it out here.
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